Privacy Policy

CASINOS recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and has established the following “Personal Information Protection Policy” regarding the handling of information that can be used to identify specific individuals (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”) such as customers and business partners (hereinafter referred to as “users”) handled in the course of business and strives to protect such information.


Acquisition of Personal Information
Personal information will be acquired in a lawful and fair manner.


Purpose of Use of Personal Information
CASINOS will use personal information provided by users within the scope of the following purposes.

To respond to inquiries by telephone or e-mail.

To provide various types of information materials in response to requests for such materials.

To contact users to provide services such as notification of the latest information.
To improve services provided to users.

Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
CASINOS will not disclose personal information provided by users to any third party, except in the following cases

When we have the consent of the user.
When disclosure of personal information is requested by the relevant authorities in accordance with laws and regulations.
When we disclose or provide personal information to subcontractors to the extent necessary for business operations.

Safety Management of Personal Information
We will take appropriate measures to prevent the leakage of personal information to outside parties.


Protection of Personal Information at Sites Linked to from CASINOS
Regarding the security of personal information on third-party websites linked to from CASINOS, users are requested to confirm the privacy policy, etc. regarding the protection of personal information on the linked websites themselves.


Changes to this Policy
In the event of any changes to the collection, scope, or purpose of use of personal information, CASINOS will post a notice on this website to keep users informed of the latest information.

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